
A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff

a true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff are not simple, linear, and mostly do not come anywhere near being ideal. In fact, the biggest charm of true relationships is that its participants are not perfect and are ready to work on their relationships together. Tymoff still holds the deepest truth in her report which states “A true relationship is two imperfect people who decided not to let go of each other.” In this article, I will elaborate on what lies behind this saying, and explain why the pursuit of excellence hand in hand with accepting failure is the foundation of true a true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff.

Embracing Imperfections: The Foundation of Real Love

Recognizing Our Human Flaws

People are not perfect and the first thing one has to accept upon entering a relationship. To be human is to mean that we have weaknesses, silly moments, or traits that make conflict apparent in most occasions. This has an essence of wholeness in a world where society tries to forcefeed us perfectionism through social mediam or various pressures. Real relationships are not those movies and books where two beautiful persons meet and then everything starts being great. However, they allegedly consist of a gentleman and a lady, each having their issues, would-be lovers who learn how to share the same space and chart their a true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff singly.

The amount of truth that two people are willing to accept in themselves and in their partner elevates the relationship’s authenticity. Nobody sets high expectations to meet, there is no pressure at all which I believe are a great relief and a sign of acceptance. What can be better when somebody accepts his/her friends with all the drawbacks and without insisting on some supposed to be perfect standards?

Growth Through Imperfections

A True Relationship Is Two Imperfect People Refusi – Tymoff - Psyog

That is the beauty of life: draw from the imperfection, do not let it get the best of you but learn from it. That I tell you in relationships no matter how much you anticipate and plan, troubles are inevitable but what ‘counts’ is how you manage the misfortunes. This is seen where two partners bring their weak points to the relationship and decide to embrace them as that which they need that will shape the relationship. The above issues can build relationship forgery creating tolerance, empathy and patience for one another in the long run. It’s only in moments of disagreement that both partners tend to discover the other side of each other and they make the relationship more fulfilling.

Actually, no one would marry a person with whom they would never fight at all; what is important is how to avoid bad ways of fighting. The fact is that every confrontation becomes an opportunity for both individuals to deepen their knowledge of each other and become more secure in a partnership.

The appeal to perfection within the a true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff of women and men.

Indeed in today’s world of media influence a couple is portrayed in movies, television series and social media as the perfect couple. These depictions can lead a receiver to a misconception that true love is an easy thing, everyone is always a cheerful and smiling couple and they never quarrel. But real relationships are not always plain sailing, they entail feelings, ups and downs. What makes them beautiful is the readiness to find those lows as a couple, instead of attempting to reach some artificial high.

The myth of perfection can be unhelpful to relationships because it puts expectations that would probably not be sustainable. It can make people love themselves or feel like their relationship is not healthy enough, why, because it does not look like the one portrayed on Facebook. But true love is not in how beautiful the face is, it is not in the cars you drive, or the house you live in, true love is in how willing we are to stay together in the low moments and how much we grow when we are in those moments.

Insignificant importance of commitment on imperfect relationships

Staying in despite the odds: Fak’ugadi’s story

a true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – tymoff to Tymoff, the key focus is on the word “and not to surrender”. In a true relationship, the feeling is mutual, both the partners decide to stay put even when it goes sour. This kind of relationship is cyclical, meaning that after sometime you have your honeymoon and for the other some time you are down struggling. Especially when the going gets tough, one may begin to think of packing it in. But if two people are together that’s they decide to handle every intricate moments they encounter in a relationship rather than discontinue.

In this word, what makes the difference is commitment that is basically the pillar of a good relationship. An ideal they share – it’s the force that ties two imperfect people together and makes them see beauty even when they have to trudge through the ugly. This may not involve just showing up; this is about deciding to put your energy into the relationship even when it seems like all might be well with all parties concerned mentally as well as physically.

Working Together as a Team

Relationships are not personal activities- they are group activities which require cooperation. For any union to be a successful one there must be mutual efforts being made in order to preserve and develop the relationship. This involves solving conflicts, being each other’s cheer leaders or strength, and sharing good and bad of life. Flaws are bound to be present from the start in any given fraternity, and solving them is a teamwork effort between two people.

Probably one of the most essential activities is communication within this process. Information sharing especially on feelings, thoughts and concern assists the partners to be better prepared to face challenges. Instead of having siblings bicker and act annoyed at each other they confront problems directly and solve them for the betterment of all. Being in a team demands one to accept others views and feel what your partner is experiencing. It is a truly partnership in every context of the term.

Building Resilience with Challenges

Adversities tackled hand in hand and people’s inability to surrender helps to develop the strength. Addressing the challenges jointly helps the relational bond harden so that it becomes more capable of overcoming the next challenge. Being able to get through troubled times as a couple makes you closer as a couple because there will always be issues in marriage. They discover that they can rely on each other when in terrible conditions and that their love can with stand worse conditions than the current one.

Resilience is not the ability to get through adversity unscathed, it is the ability to get through these times and come out better off on the other side. And the fact that we face every difficult period side by side makes the future in its turn easier and creates new understanding between us. The more problems a couple solves, the more secure they feel about their power to surmount all kind of obstacles.

Imperfect Love: Formula for a Happy and Long Life

Here is a fantastic primer on one of the most common and frustrating aspects of development: unrealistic expectations.

Another advantage of accepting flaws in a relationship is the capacity to release impracticable standards. Most people start out a relationship with some set expectations of how that love would feel like, only be disappointed when the real thing is not as expected. However, rejection of such expectations results to a better relationship. Partners can acknowledge each other the way they are and thus not have expectations of changing a partner into someone that he or she is not.

Real love has one working with the strengths that the other has while knowing issues that the other partner has. When you stop being a tyrant and set unrealistic standards, two people can just be themselves and connect.

Celebrating the Small Wins

When two flawed humans are in a relationship, they need to find the things that make the relationship work and be happy in it. These could have been basic warring issues such as defeat out of a disagreement, going a day without quarrel or even achieving happiness in a daily existence. Time when partners do not withdraw mean that they heed what they say about the fact that everything counts. It is formed with small things that people do for each other in specific pattern of kindness, patience and understanding.

Instead of waiting for great achievements or moments of the couple to give out an appreciation, the couple must not waste their time admiring small achievements. These are the platforms on which the long term bonding of two individuals or a man and a woman develops.

Loving Each Other as You Are

In essence, it is all about love – love for oneself and love as you are. Flaws in how one relates to another or how one is relates to others bring variety and value within a relationship that cannot be presented if all was perfect. When two people choose not to abandon each other they are stating, “I love you not in spite of it, but because of it.” It means that both partners are able to truly gain consciousness and achieve personal development owing to their unconditional love.

Real love is not a call for flawlessness and does not shun the opposite, in fact it welcomes it. It is about being there for the other person even in the worst of time in life and enjoying the process of learning together.


In Purity Series Imperfection is the Key for True Relationship

Tymoff rightly said, “A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other,” which means that perfect people, perfect relation or perfect love does not exist. However, this book is not about avoiding troubles, it’s about accepting each other’s flaws, about agreeing to face difficulties and become stronger with every trial that a couple experiences. Flawed love is perhaps one of the most cherished themes of all because true is so much real and long enduring.

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